All of India's warships use Indian made sonars- APSOH, now supplanted by HUMSA, HUMVAAD Variable depth sonar, now Nagan towed array sonar. Kilo class subs have the USHUS sonar and Panchendriya FCS. The Dhruv has the Mihir dunking sonar.
India's standard RWR is the Tarang- started with the 125 MiG21 Bisons , its MiG-27 upgrades (40) and Jaguars (40 upg + 37 new build) all rely on critical DRDO-HAL avionics as the heart of the avionics, its MKIs also use the same, including state of the art mission computers and display processors.
The MiG-27s use Tusker jamming pods, and the MKIs the HADF ones. The IAF uses DRDO made elint systems on dedicated aircraft.
The Navy's Tu-142's, Ka-25's and Do-228's all use DRDO ESM systems. The Navy's destroyers use the Ajanta ESM system. The new Naval ships use the Ellora ESM plus ECM system.
The Army ordered and has received both Sujav ESM and Safari IED suprressive jammers for convoy protection in numbers.
71 SAFARIs delivered by 2003.
The Indian Air Force has 30 Indra-1's, six Indra-2's, and seven state of the art planar array 3D Central Acquisition radars on order being delibvered by a consortium of DRDO, DPSU and private sector partners. The Army has more Indra-1's and 2's. The Army ordered and received 1176 BFSR-SRs from BEL of DRDO design. This is not even counting in the other projects which are underway.
Coming to communication equipment and C3I, the DRDO developed and supplied data extractors for the AREN, the standard Army combat radio for all its armoured vehicles- the freq hopping, encrypted CNR, the VLF facility for IN subs, as well as satcom equipment. All of which has been ordered in bulk. BEL states orders are for the 100's of crores. The IAF's air defence zones depend on DRDO software to link the ST-68U's with additional 2D radars for sensor fusion. The IN's latest ships such as the Beas, also use the BEL-DRDO EMCCA for mission control and ship command and control. The Army has ordered the Shakti Artillery command and control system from BEL, which is of DRDO design.
MBRS etc
The Army has ordered 2 regiments of the Pinaka MBRS, to add to the one in service, and with more to be ordered for each coming five year plan. The Navy has already given clearance for bulk production of the AE Torpedo for fitment to its choppers as well as for light ship carriage.
Bread and Butter items.
Non glamourous bread and butter items for the Army, including stuff like MREs for Siachen and HAPO bags because of which this year Siachen had no deaths whatsoever. The Navy's Aircraft carrier is being built using DMRL steel, ditto for several of its newer designs. Advanced alloys for most projects are now made within India, thanks to the DRDO and other associated orgs who do the research and development work.
Ballistic Missiles
And most importantly, DRDO has delivered on the ballistic missile front. 54 Prithvi-IIs were ordered by the AF this year itself. Agni-1 and 2 are in service.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
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